27 June 2008

Don't believe the hype

What I've discovered they didn't tell us in all the pre-baby marketing material is that within an hour of bringing them home, the entire house will smell of baby, feeds actually last an hour so the recommended 3-hourly feeds are really every 2 hours which really plays havoc on anything resembling a sleep pattern, and you’ll lose whole hours staring at them.

So it's going pretty good, on the whole, and I'm secretly impressed that he can wee on his own head.
Note: the pic is not my baby

25 June 2008

And the winner is...err...winners are...

Celebrated Auckland and Christchurch Artists Chosen for 2009 Venice Biennale
Press release, Creative New Zealand
25 June 2008 (released under embargo to print and broadcast media only)

Two New Zealand artists - Judy Millar from Auckland and Francis Upritchard from Christchurch - will represent New Zealand in a six month exhibition at the 2009 Venice Biennale - widely recognised as the most significant event on the international visual arts calendar.

Chair of Creative New Zealand's Arts Council Alastair Carruthers says "the decision to send two artists shows a strong commitment to the success of New Zealand visual arts overseas. It will be an important project for arts patrons, the visual arts community and the Arts Council to invest in together."

"A well respected mid-career artist and teacher, Judy Millar is considered one of New Zealand's most experienced abstractionists", said Mr Carruthers. Her concept for Venice is "strong, bold and exciting". Francis Upritchard has also presented a "compelling" project and Mr Carruthers described her as "a young rising star in the art world".

"Both are talented, outstanding artists and will represent the arts sector and New Zealand exceptionally well. This decision is enthusiastically supported by both a selection panel of six visual arts professionals and the Council," he says.

"These two artists offer fresh perspectives on European art traditions."

Full (undated unless you can be bothered trawling through the metadata) release here

Congratulations to all involved!

Catching up

Having a baby is one of those remarkable things that generates a stunning (and completely overwhelming) outporing of support from pretty much every corner of society. Witness Blackbird Singing's stunningly elaborate analysis of the similarly named , Bestofthree's lovely welcome note, and wife-features winning the 'Room with the most flowers EVER' award at Taranaki Base's maternity ward.

So to all the bloggers, emailers, gift mailers, and well wishers, cheers. One day soon we'll buy you a drink and thrust a (possibly) smiling baby at you.

Pic: Jasper (middle name still under negotiation after both AndyWarhol and Doctor were rejected) Rhodes. Mum and baby doing brilliantly, Dad still in mild shock.

12 June 2008

Tangential shift

As of yesterday there exists a very real threat that this blog will become solely about children.