I'm quite excited about the opportunities for self generated product design that accessible laser cutters and rapid manufacturing technologies have enabled. Ponoko is a cool (and local!) example of this - at the recent Craft 2.0 they exhibited a range of stunning laser-cut designs -Dan Emery's flat pack table was a particular favourite. I love that it's taking kitset furniture to a whole new level, and embracing that it's made up of a bunch of small pieces, rather than trying to look overly solid and permanent like other kitset furniture does.
The flat-pack nature is also pretty cool - more portability, flexibility, and easier storage. So this morning's discovery over at AT was doubly exciting - a flat pack, laser cut plywood house by Gregg Fleishman.
Now if they could only develop that in interlocking, insulated, and self supporting concrete slabs...
The question is - is this the solution to the dining room/spare room issue at your place?
Was thinking about that, but have decided to get a bigger dining table and a bunch of old blankets and just make cool huts for when people stay over.
yeah... that wouldnt be weird at all
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